Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2008

To math or not to math...

or better... to account or not account, that is the question. Instead of frantically learning for my test I sit in front of my computer and hope that somehow a light shows up in my head. I really hate the fact that my professor even adds some "how-to-plan-a-process-math", or IBL-Industriebetriebslehre) into a simple 101class. Arrrggghhh. Luckily it's just one of my minors but I am so frustrated currently. Since I was ill most of the semester I don't have the slightest idea how to pass this test. And I don't want to learn again for a second one on the same topic. These days I always ask myself why on earth I did chose BWL (hmm, a mixture of accounting and management) as a minor. But wait, I remember... I wanted to study something that gives me a remote chance of getting a job. Right, now that was the reason...
My main subject is archaeology which means that there is no way I'll be able to make a living from it. But it was the right choice, I'm good at it and I like it. Now, back to the study books.
I'll knit some more on my sotsII and hopefully finish clue 3 soon so I can show pictures again :-) Plain sock No.1 is still in progress and has met our dentist once again (luckily this time I just waited for hubby) but I wonder if I should call this sock "the teeth-and-travel-sock" ;-) Do you think the title would be to much for a little sock?! Hmm, I might need to rethink that again.
Maybe when my thoughts stray again from work...
Back to the books, does anybody of you know how to work out if it's better to buy a new machine or keep the old one working in a factory?!
Aww, *sigh* I knew it...

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