Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2008

Hey, I do knit... for reals!;-)

It's storming outside so I guess I'll all the day quits and get to bed early. I could use some sleep since hubby has been fighting with his teeth for a while now. He's been to the dentist... let me count... 5, no 6 times and still jumps up in the middle of the night because this aweful tooth hurts. And guess who jumps up too because she gets scared of the sudden movement? Yes, that would be me, thankyouverymuch. Not that I don't care for hubby (I love him dearly and he's the best husband a girl can have) but a complete night of uninterrupted sleep sounds great to. He's off for a company meeting tonight and tomorrow so I'll just update my blog and go to bed. Hmmm....sleeeeep... and why, yes, we still want children... and yes, I know that sleep is highly overrated when you are a parent... but until then ;-)

I've been quite busy knitting (well, at least a bit in the evening) so I thought I show off what I have so far:
My Mr. Maplejeans is still in progress. I love the yarn and the pattern but my new 5mm bamboo needles give me the creepies. I cannot touch them when my hands are even remotely dry so I still haven't finished this cardigan. But it looks good so far and is an easy knit.
I especially love the heather-y look of Cascade220. Just the perfect mixture of style and just a tad of country. By the way, you can see one of those horrible bamboo needles here:
I also finished Clue 1 of the Secret of the Stole II and started knitting on Clue 2, but I haven't found the time to sit and concentrate this week so I'm stuck at row 82. I had a bit of time yesterday but after a general anesthesia I'd prefer not to knit lace ;-)
I finally found out that Moni had ordered from 100%purewool. The yarn feels awesome and I love both colors I got :-)I ordered some handpainted yarn and started fetching. On the skein I loved the colors, also after winding the yarn to a ball... but knitted up it painfully reminds me of make-up disasters in the 80s *lol* Hey, I was a teenager then ;-)

I'm still unsure if I love or hate these 80s fetching. The colors are much more vibrant in reality, so use your imagination ;-)

I also got my doily finished but not blocked yet. I just shoved some needles down the fabric to stretch the doily for the picture. I love the fact that it looks as if sunrays are coming through leafs on a bright summer day. I wasn't to inclined with the edging that was added in the pattern so I left it off.

I'm also knitting on a plain stockinette sock in some handpainted sock yarn. It still lives in my bag (and has seen a couple of commute rides and met our dentist twice... ) so I haven't got a picture of it yet but I love the fallish colors (mustard yellow, muted terra and a knid of grey-green like a wet mossy stone) and the pooling. Yes, I love pooling socks, so sue me ;-) If it's handpainted the colors can behave like they want ;-)

I'm now off for the day, both cats are right in front of me.. it seems as if they do not love the storm as much as I do ;-) Gotta take care of them :-)

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