Freitag, 4. Januar 2008

now its official...

... I am nuts! Completely, whalenuts, hazelnuts, whatever nuts you can think of ;-) I noticed that signups for the Spring Shawl Surprise were still open (until Jan. 8th, so what are you waiting for?) and decided that I use my jojoland Harmony yarn on this stole. I have enough yardage to finish this shawl but since this yarn is very fine I think it'll end up smaller than the others. Aww, well, at least I'll get quite the good value out of it ;-) 1600m for 15 Euro (2 skeins á 7€ something) will keep me busy a lot.
Now, I'm off to print the first clue and maybe I'll find some knitting time in the evening after finishing my work (studying for my upcoming tests in Feb.) and crocheting a few rows on my leaf doily. I'd like to have it finished and on the table next sunday ;-)
I'm off to stick my nose back into the pages, so see you:-)

(Oh, and before I forget: I finally got my memory card for my camera back, hubby used it to show his parents some pictures from our vacation on his Wii ;-) Pictures, here I come ;-)

1 Kommentare:

Blogger SYLVIE meinte...

That's a beautiful yarn color! Can't wait to see it knitted-up!

4. Januar 2008 um 18:14  

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