Dienstag, 13. November 2007

Want to marry? Let me knit a sock for you...

I got a call today that I have to share. A friend of mine asked for a pair of socks as a marriage present somewhere in her future. It was aApril, she wasn't in a relationship and I jokingly agreed. Then I knitted her a pair of blue socks and handed them over with the words"Ok, I didn't want you to wait for so long, but now you really need to find your significant other ;)" (It was April then)
She called me today and told me she met the man of her dreams (ok, I'm happy for her) in April. They married in June. Uhm, wait a minute, I didn't mean her to hurry *that* much. I really hope she won't regret that marriage. They hardly knew each other and have met only a few times before they did this step. By the way, they are *now* moving together.... Let us hope she'll be happy. I have her in my prayers.
By the way? Does anybody want to marry too? Need a sock?*rofl*

(I'm still a little shocked but really hope things will work out for her :) )

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