Mittwoch, 7. November 2007

no knitting for me...

First of all, my surgery went pretty well on friday :) My teeth are ok, I didn't have any trouble with the anesthesia and since I was so nervous before I did acomplish quite a bit of knitting (pictures will follow ;) ) I was so proud that my sock was finished so fast but now... I need to take a timeout from knitting. Grrr! I had to hide my sock in progress because it sings the song of sirens... get me, knit me, knitting is so much fun, knitting is so relaxing.... and I really want to knit. I really really want to. But there's the problem: I haven't slept since Saturday because my neck is in constant pain. Our oh-so-clever doctor told me to take painkillers and "take a nap". Fantastic :-/ I'll be off to another doctor tomorrow to get a second opinion, painkillers aren't a solution in my opinion. Until then: Tylenol and a lot of TV for me :-/
I hope my ravelry invite arrives soon so I can at least plot some new knitting ;) I've seen a nice hat at The Yarnharlot, there are a couple of sock patterns I'd like to try, I still have a pattern for an Engeln lace-stole that I really like to knit etc etc. Hmm, note to myself: find out how to get a 36hour-day (or a housemaid... which would definitely be easier, and much more expensive)

Pictures of my new fat quarters (I get 5 pieces each month) and my socks so far will follow soonish :)

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