Sonntag, 30. September 2007

Hello world :)

Well, I need to practise my english so I decided to torture everyone with one of the worst things a teenager can think of: a knitblog *lol*
I love to knit, started to sew a few months ago and of course I love anything crafty, so there's the reason for my blogname :) Being crafty means a little escape from the real world for me, even though I can't complain about reality ;) I love my husband, our two cats are gorgeous and all that is left to wish for are children. Ah, well... a completely different story.

I'll post my ongoing projects here, also ramblings and stories I'd like to share or prefer someone else to tell me that, no, life isn't as black as I see it sometimes ;)

I hope to hear from you in the comments section, don't worry, I won't bite :)

(Ack, I never knew how hard it is to write an intro for a blog... so, sorry if I sound funny, I am even worse than that *rofl*)

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