Dienstag, 1. Januar 2008

Happy New Year 2008 :-)

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas and a beautiful jump into 2008. I know I haven't posted for a while now thanks to our internet (I wish it would start running stable again) but also because I was a busy little crafter ;-) I spent quite a bit of time working on Mr. Greenjeans. I'm currently working the cabled bottom part of the cardigan and just noticed that the company I bought the yarn from sent one skein less than I asked for. Arrrgh. But I am so late in noticing it that I feel silly asking them to send another skein. It was my fault then because when I got the yarn I just hurried it away so the cats didn't get into it. Now I only can hope that 6 skeins of Cascade 220 will be enough. Hmpf.
I also finished the socks for my father just in time to gift them, so I didn't have time to take a picture but believe me, they looked great. I love those slight colour variations of the yarn. At least for gift socks ;-) I prefer either handpainted yarn or solids because my main interest are lacey socks. I guess I also love cables but go nuts over them, so lace socks are in ;-)

But enough about my knitting, off to other things ;-)

My new year resolutions are more than boring:
We plan to save on energy (no wonder after our last bill), eat more local and being genereally speaking more green. Hey, hubby promised that we will be visiting our local farmers market on saturday. I just wonder how on earth I will be able to get him out of bed in time *lol* An additional plus is that it's in walking distance (about 20min away) so I will be able to get a bit fitter, save gas (well, maybe, I suppose we won't get everything we need there) and maybe save some Euros. I am actually a bit excited about that resolution and hope that hubby will be cooperative ;-)

What are your New Years Resolutions? Are you "traditional" and try to lose weight or quit smoking? Or do you try to turn into a locavore, plan to save or do you have really crazy plans like, I don't know, jumping off a sky scraper or diving with sharks? It'd be great to hear from you :-)

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