Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2007

picture heavy post ahead

Well, I didn't fall from the earth obviously but I planned to take pictures of my finished knitting in daylight. As you can see, I gave up ;-) It seems as if the sun decided to go on christmas vacation too. Each and every day has been dark and cloudy, mostly rainy and not a single snow flake was seen around. Actually it's the perfect weather to plop myself on the couch and drink a cup of tea while reading some trashy novel ;-)
But I was quite productive during the last week or so, so be aware: pictures ahead ;)

My finished projects:

It's the DW dishcloth, made in Peaches n Creme Christmas. It was easy to memorize and a perfect "to-go"pattern, plus it shows off the colours of the yarn perfectly :-) ( A little note on the side: I tried this pattern in "seamist" too and both hubby and me didn't like the outcome, so I guess it's more suited for brighter colours)

Pattern is the Round dishcloth which (as you can see) I like very much. It shows off variagated colours very well and you'll easily learn how to do short rows :-) This one is made with Peaches n Creme shaded browns. To be honest I liked the colours a lot better when the yarn was still balled up which is dissapointing since those colours are very much my favourite ones :-/
Off to the next one :-)

Pattern is the same as above (duh...) just made with Peaches n Creme lilac ombre. It looks awesome, a little springy which is quite nice when everything is grey outside ;-)
Now off to the "almost finished" ones, they still need blocking and I need to sew in the ends

Now, pinch your eyes, it's well worth it. The pattern is Butterfly in flight, in Peaches n Creme sunburst. I loved the outcome and the size is very nice. I think I'll make some more of these, they make me smile :-)

Baked with love, and also knitted with passion ;-) This pattern makes a really large cloth perfect for giving it away with some homemade cookies :-) Nothing more to say than I enjoyed making it (of course, otherwise it would have landed in the frogpond, life is to short to knit ugly things ;-) )
Of course, I did not finish everything, so here are my current wips :-)

Another Lacy Round dishcloth, this time in PnC seamist. Nothing more to say except that I like the colours and secretly call it my lily pond cloth ;-)

Dads Christmas Socks in progress. I use a simple 4 row pattern ( 2 rows k2p2 followed by 2 rows k all) in Lana Grossa Megaboots Stretch, I think colour 507? The colours aren't really accurate since I had to take the picture of them in artificial light too. They are much more blue and green than they appear.

And last but not least, I unpacked my sewing machine and started on my christmas dress (a basic one, I really need to sew more to get better):

The fabric is a light blue cotton with bright(!) red embroidery and sequins. It looks really nice (and was a deal on one of the fabric markets I visited in spring, only 2,50€ per meter). I still need to line it (fear! panic! omg!) but I hope I'll finish it in time :-)

Pattern is Butterick4471.

Phew, that's all for now, hubby keeps asking me what I do anyhow. (Still not finished?!-No, I'm NOT!) ;-)

I'll post a bit more later (without pictures then ;-))

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