Sonntag, 18. November 2007

Peaches and Creme :-)

I just placed an order for 14 skeins of Peaches and Creme (cream?) in different colours to make dishcloths. I know, most knitters now giggle and think I'm odd but really: I don't care at all ;) I had a couple of dishcloths before and they were so much better than regular sponges and brushes. Plus: you can wash them and use them over and over again, so it is easy to keep the germ count low (have you ever read how many germs feel well in a wet sponge? yuck!) and (!) you do something for the enviroment because you don't need to buy new plasticcrap on a regular basis. :-)
I hope the package will come before we leave for our small vacation (4 days from thursday to sunday). I'm sure I'll have time in the evening to knit :)
My "Stulpen" are still in progress (maybe I'll find a bit of knitting time today). One is done and the other one started (I'd be finished by now if I didn't screw up the cable pattern so bad that I had to rip the whole first Stulpe completely). Even hubby thinks they look good :)

On ravelry I'm a member of the Christian knitters group (there are groups for each and every topic people can imagine, religious, atheist, no-cats, always-cats etc.) I found a thread about favourite songs and remembered that I always wanted to share this video :) I absolutely love this song :-)

I hope it'll work :)

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