Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008

Magknits 01/2008

I just noticed that the new Magknits is online. I am not sure what to think about it. There is nothing I would feel the urge to knit but some of the ideas are quite nice. And also: why on earth don't people publish their patterns over magknits? The issue is pretty small again (again: bummer) but I hope the next issues will be fuller.
Off to the patterns:
Bliss Blanket: I like the chosen colours and the idea of an entrelac baby blanket but since there are no babies around me (except for the one due in July) I won't knit it. Plus I also think that it could have been photographed better so people will see the whole potential that is in this blanket (granted: I am a notourious bad photographer too).
JD sweater: A great work for a highschool student. Well done girl :-) I think the colour choice could be more vibrant but the overall design is really nice. Plus: it's nicely adjustable thanks to the Raglan method :-) (I'd knit it topdown then). A fun and wearable design.
Lucy: Maybe I'll try knitting this sans the earflaps. But wait...kitchener stitch? Oh nooooo... ah, oh well, I need to learn that anyway ;-) I really love the hat as shown, the vibrant colour (nothing for me, but "appetizing") and the idea to wear it with earflaps (again: would drive me batty to wear them but I know a lot of people look fantastic with a hat like this) :-)
Evangeline: I like fingerless gloves, a lot. No messing around while knitting and always practical to have the fingers free to work :-) I'd do this pattern in a smaller gauge though knowing now that too much fabric on the inside of my hands annoys me. Alos: nice to see that they pictured both options, short and long :-)
Orno Abaci: Nice and simple with a great effect. Maybe hubby would wear it? Hmmm....
Stranded: Too fuzy in this yarn but a wonderful pattern :-) It's great that the designer wrote a pattern that can be easily adjusted for other sizes and gauges. Maybe a knit that I'll takle in fall for myself?!
Overall it's a nice issue and not as kids-heavy as others. Honestly, while trying to get pregnant and not being succesfull kids-knits are hard to stand :-/ when they come in large doses.
Comments? Go ahead :-)

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