Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2008

Back to normal :-) - Cartoon Dolls, Dressup Games, Myspace Glitters, Graphics.Blogging on a regular base and finally more knitting will be done soonish :-)
I think I passed my test and now I am on a cleaning frenzy at home. It's a wonder we are still alive but household activities had to be postponed until now. Time for spring cleaning ;-) The weather is surprisingly warm anyway.

In crafting news:
I finished a new dishcloth (prefered knitting when I'm in panic mode), found out about tawashi and decided I'll try those out since I have some odds and ends of Peaches n Creme that I need to use up :-)
Pictures will follow because, you know, I have major cleaning to do now. Hmm, I wonder if I should crochet a tawashi and... no, stop! Cleaning first, fun afterwards...

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