Samstag, 27. September 2008

Baby Cardigan in TrekkingXXL

While on our usual walk outside I forced hubby to take pictures of my knitting. It might take a while until I shrunk and uploaded all of my projects but here is one as a littel appetizer :-)

The pattern can be found on ravelry (for 4$, so please don't ask me for the pattern :-)) I used TrekkingXXL handdyed in Jamaika colourway which looked a lot brighter in the skein. But it is lovely when knitted up. For some reason the colours look much brighter than in real life (well, I think it is because hubby likes his pictures verrrry bright and has his camera on those settings as standard.. I was supposed to get his old camera but for some reason he lost the battery for it. Hmm, I hope he'll find it again somewhere :-(

Watch out for more pictures soonish :-) I've got a few more to show ;-)

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