Freitag, 26. September 2008

The Wollmeise that didn't want to be

While I was absent from blogging (and ravelry) I still knitted. I did finish a couple of socks, a baby sweater and started working on the green Frosch harmonisch Wollmeise sockyarn I bought. I knew it was intended to be something special since God only knows if I'm ever lucky enough again to score some. So... I bought CookieA's stricken pattern. The pattern is awesome and with a bit of concentrating doable :-) So I started knitting up the Frosch... but for some reason I didn't like the inflexibility of the yarn. It feels awesome but is spun so tightly that the small cables drove me bonkers. OK, off to the frog pond it went. Then I thought: why hide this awesome colour? and started knitting on Lace ribbon. After all, a couple of people over on ravelry turned their Wollmeises in nice Lace ribbons. After two sets of pattern repeats I decided that this pattern wasn't perfect for me. I didn't like how the holes lined up. Off to the frog pond it went. Fast foreward: I still thought about a scarf pattern. After all it turned cold about 4 weeks ago and the weather man told everyone that we will have an unusual cold autumn. Well, ok.. so I went on a search again and found this pattern: Gathered scarf. The pattern itself is easy and the result looks great, but I only had those horrible dpns in 5mm that almost made me quit my Mr. Greenjeans. Off to the frog pond it went...
Now I started a ribbed cowl/mini scarf and hope that I finish this pattern. good thing that the yarn stands up to frogging extremely well ;-)

Well, after thinking about it there is no wonder that this yarn is so difficult, the colour is named Frosch (in english: frog!) after all, it just lives up to its name *sigh*

(my camera is charging so I hope to take pictures today :-))

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