Montag, 28. Juli 2008

You are not the clone of me!

Sometimes I really wonder how peoples minds work. A few months ago I finally found a nice hairdresser who is really talented. She cut my hair awesomely (I don't even have to dryblow it, just let it airdry and it looks awesome most of the time) and mixed a perfect shade of reddish-brown haircolour for me. Before I used a commonly available dye which was a bit to dark for my taste but better than my natural colour. When hubby and me were out in the garden yesterday I was quite surprised to see our neighbor, single mom of 5, trying to sport exactly my hairstyle (it does look nothing like it though since her hair is a lot more curly than mine and she tried to dryblow it too much) with exactly the shade of red I used to wear. She even wore similar clothes. How odd! I always shake my head at people with no personal style (as in "look she looks exactly like her...") but this time I even felt sick. I guess when she took care of our cats she found an old package of hairdye and took mental notes. Why? I am not sure (except that hubby's really the worlds best hubby. He is nice, takes care of me, has a good job and a lot of humor just to name a few of his pros ;-)) but honestly, would you want a clone? Or even BE one? How odd...
I wonder when she starts knitting *lol*

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