Freitag, 20. Juni 2008


Finally... I was able to order three skeins of Wollmeise 100% Merino sock yarn. I'm still shaking a bit since I've tried to order from her for more than a year and was never lucky enough to get what I wanted.
Now... I just need to explain it to hubby since I promised (!) him not to buy anything. Hmm, maybe I could make him buy an IPhone so he knows how I feel?!
Can you believe I feel a bit dizzy and have weak knees because of three poor skeins of yarn?! Neither can I but hey, let's see if there is really magic in her skeins ;-)

1 Kommentare:

Blogger SoapDoc meinte...

Trust me - THERE IS! And it's totally worth the IPhone :)

I was the same way when I placed my first order -- the only problem is now you're going to need more and more and more - you are going to be addicted to the colors and the feel of this awesome yarn -- Claudia is a COMPLETE GENIUS, you will see ;)

Welcome to the club!!!!

24. Juni 2008 um 02:08  

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