Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2008

not free... but SQUEEEEE! ;-)

My yarn order arrived and I cannot describe how happy I am. 6 gorgeous skeins of sock yarn, 5 of them 4ply, one 6ply for a new pair of fingerless gloves.

Here, take a look :-)

The yarn was ordered at on monday and today it already arrived although I had to pay in advance (you can order internationally but I don't know how long it takes, since I live in Germany). The colors are actually prettier than on this photo (I am a bad photographer) and I can't wait to use it :-)

A nice touch were the little goodies you can see on the picture: a small sachet of lavender and a vanilla scented heart for taking a bath. The yarn itself is georgous enough but those littel gifts make you feel even more appreciated.

Thank you Zauberwiese!

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