Mittwoch, 24. September 2008

it's all ravelrys fault!

No, really ;-) I always seem to get so sucked into ravelry that I hardly remember my own blog anymore. But I need to take pictures of my knitting and show them off here. I made a couple of really nice socks out of handpainted yarns, a sweet baby cardigan and started an Adamas shawl. Now I just hope for a day of nice weather to take pictures :-)
I really should work a bit more for university (classes start end of October but I have to finish some assignments before) but somehow I'm quite satisfied with just doing my household chores and knitting. Life can be so relaxing ;-)
In other news I just drove our neighbour and her son up to the hospital and now I'm waiting for a call to pick them up again. It seems as if he broke his ankle, poor guy. Send good vibes along, I'm sure he'll need them!
Now I'm off to knit and wait, pictures will be taken tomorrow and hopefully blogging will happen too :-) See you at ravelry or around here :-)

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